Destined to become the definitive commentary on Ephesians, this resource combines detailed exegesis and extensive interaction with contemporary scholarship.
"In his introduction to this wholly admirable and comprehensive commentary, Hoehner enters a vigorous defense of Paul as author of Ephesians. He centers his attention on the meaning of the words and their relationship to one another and on the grammar and structure of each sentence. These notes are lucid and full and will be a mine of information for students and scholars. Every commentator stands on the shoulders of his predecessors; Hoehner's shoulders are broad and strong and will sustain the weight of future scholars of Ephesians."--Ernest Best, University of Glasgow
"Hoehner's Ephesians not only cites the best advice and information in standard works on this letter but also carefully sifts the evidence and offers judicious conclusions. All other commentaries can be put in storage for retrieval as needed."--Frederick William Danker, Lutheran School of Theology
"This is probably the most detailed modern English commentary on the Greek text of Ephesians, combined with a thorough defense of its Pauline authorship and its Ephesian destination. Every facet of the text is examined with great care and exegetical skill, and the range of scholarly literature surveyed and assessed is encyclopedic. Despite the wealth of information and discussion, the material is presented with clarity and simplicity. The careful considerations of each exegetical possibility make this a work that will be indispensable for all serious students of Ephesians."--I. Howard Marshall, University of Aberdeen
"This is quite simply the most massive and meticulously detailed commentary on Ephesians to date--with the strongest defense of the case that the author was truly Paul and that the letter was indeed written to Ephesus. Virtually every textual, lexical, grammatical-semantic, and historical issue has been scrutinized and is informed by a comprehensive coverage of the vast relevant primary and secondary literature."--Max Turner, London School of Theology
"This is exegesis the old-fashioned way: the quest for the author's meaning earned through the careful use of primary tools while at the same time informed by, and in dialogue with, the latest and best scholarship. From its stout defense of the Pauline authorship of Ephesians to the detailed, verse-by-verse exegesis of the Greek text, Hoehner's commentary is a tour de force. It is a mine of information and a theological feast all at once! This masterful commentary sets a new standard for exegetical detail, and no serious student of Ephesians will want to be without it."--Donald A. Hagner, Fuller Theological Seminary