I am a fertility and divorce lawyer in Brisbane, Australia. I was admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland in 1987, to the High Court of Australia in 1989 and as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of South Australia in 2013. As an Australian legal practitioner, I can act for clients across Australia, irrespective of jurisdiction. I was awarded the inaugural Pride in Law Award (2020) and am the recipient of the Queensland Law Society President's Medal (2023), among other awards. I decided to specialize in family law in 1988. Since then, my work has been solely or predominantly in family law. I have been a Queensland Law Society accredited family law specialist since 1996. I am a legal practitioner director of Page Provan, family and fertility lawyers, Brisbane. As part of my family law practice, I have increasingly undertaken fertility and ART work. Since 1988 I have advised in just under 2,000 surrogacy journeys for clients throughout Australia and in 37 other countries. My clients have undertaken surrogacy journeys in 36 US states 8 Canadian provinces, and many other countries, including Nigeria, Iran, Philippines, China and Sri Lanka.. I am a dad through surrogacy. I am the only lawyer to have appeared in four Australian States and obtained surrogacy orders: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. I am an international representative on the Executive Council of the ART Committee of the Family Law Section. In that role, I was the principal advocate for and co-author of what became Resolution 112B of the House of Delegates as to a proposed Hague Convention as to international surrogacy. I am a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers and of its Parentage Committee, Forced Marriage Committee and LGBT Committee. I am a Fellow of the; Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys and a member of its ART Resources Committee. I have delivered about 300 presentations around the world and across Australia In Europe, the US, in Asia, and Africa. I have written legal articles published by the International Bar Association, American Bar Association, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia, among others.