Grandpa's Tall Tales is a heartwarming series of stories about an inquisitive young boy, Jack, and his special bond with his grandpa. Perfect for parent-child reading time, each story features common phrases for children to learn and join in with. The series is sequential, introducing new characters and building on the traits of the main characters as it progresses. The first story, "e;Winter Robin,"e; sets the stage for the series and concludes with one of Grandpa's tall tales. Join Jack and his grandpa on their adventures and wait for more tales to unfold in the following weeks."e;Each story: is fully illustrated as pictures complement the tales, can be read as a standalone tale as well as being part of a series, starts with an introduction to the family and main characters of the series which changes with each story to reinforce the independence of each tale, is based upon common sayings or characteristics all relating to animals which are an endless source of fascination to children, will be a combination of comedy, observation and sometimes emotion. is a very tall tale indeed!