Monsters are real and the United States is infested...
In the year 1900, a section of the Mid-Western United States, known as The Infested, is overrun with ghosts and monsters. Despite the evil that lurks just outside their door, Desdemona and her family live in The Infested. Their home is a haven for those that make the treacherous journey from east to west.
While magic keeps them safe, Desdemona has always felt indescribably drawn to the Infested. A dangerous compulsion when her mother dies and her father is late leading the wagon train from the East. When a shadow creature appears on their land, and mysterious, alluring visitors arrive, Desdemona is forced to do something she never wanted: lead her family.
Desdemona and her siblings must band together to save themselves and their home. If they can't escape the darkness and overcome the tension that has grown between them, their father may very well return to nothing but a graveyard.
Sapphic, Bi and Trans Rep
TW: Eating disorder, anxiety, gore, war, trauma