A practical, illuminating companion guide to Beautiful Union, Joshua Ryan Butler's positive exploration of how God's design for sex reveals the good, true, and beautiful in Scripture . . . and all of life.
Designed as a companion to that life-changing book, this dynamic study guide is your road map for diving more deeply into the key concepts of Beautiful Union-whether by yourself or with a group.
Through seven fast-paced sessions, you'll encounter thought-provoking questions, be prompted to reflect on powerful concepts, discover what God's design for sex was always meant to reveal, and consider what it all means for living a joyful, faithful life. These sessions include features such as:
• Unpack It: questions to illuminate Beautiful Union with space to record your reflections
• Use Your Imagination: exercises to creatively help you see God's larger invitation for human flourishing
• Reflect on It: ways to understand our lives in the expansive story of God that sex points to
With this guide, you'll experience a bigger, more beautiful vision of God, the gospel, and the Christian vision for sex.