The Clovel Sword Sagas follows the adventures of Urith of Esterblud. These stories focus upon his youth and unsettled past during the time before the Chronicles. In his journey, Urith becomes a mercenary fighter and treasure seeker amid the turmoil of dark overlords and crumbling dynasties in the wildlands of Kamin.
Volume 1: The Clovel Destroyer
Urith of Esterblud is a young warrior who is not yet aware of the prophecy or his destiny within the realms. In this back-story to the Clovel Sword Chronicles, the young tribal hero suffers great loss and heartbreak that shapes the man he is to become. Recently scarred in battle, Urith tries to adjust to the death of his father when his world collapses in disaster and heartbreak. Bitterness fills him, and he seeks retribution for his loss. To a warrior living in a violent world, vengeance comes at the tip of a spear or the edge of a sword.
Volume 2: Trail to Omcuur
The Clovel Sword Saga Novella #2 backstory continues with the adventures of the scarred warrior, Urith. Seeking to release the spirits of his loved ones from the clutches of a vengeful underworld god named Caruun, the Clovel Destroyer finds he is unable to accomplish his goal. The dispirited fighter accepts an offer from a local warlord to find an artifact within the ruined temples of Omcuur. Soon, Urith realizes his journey may be a quick way to get to the underworld but only with his death, or worse, his dishonor.
Previously released as separate novellas.