This book gathers the invited conferences presented at the Thirteenth Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting (JENAM) organized by the - ropean Astronomical Society (EAS) and the Spanish Astronomical Society (Sociedad Española de Astronomía, SEA) and hosted by the Instituto de - trofísica de Andalucía (IAA - CSIC). The event, held from September 13 to 17, 2004 in Granada, was at the same time the Sixth Scienti c Meeting of the SEA. The proceedings of such national meetings are traditionally collected in a series of books generically entitled Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics, which will be momentarily interrupted in this occasion as the contributions of the Spanish astronomers to the meeting share the present publication with those of their colleagues from other European countries or, to be more exact, from countries all over the world. The meeting brought together, indeed, more than 450 participants from 30 different countries, making it one of the most successful JENAMs ever celebrated. This success was undoubtedly due to the fact that, as readily seen from the titles of the parallel sessions, the scienti c scope of this JENAM reached, for the st time, all elds of astronomy and astrophysics. In fact, there was still another parallel session opened to tea- ers and professionals of popularisation in astronomy whose proceedings are published elsewhere.
The book gathers the invited talks to the XIII JENAM conference, organized this time by the European Astronomical Society (EAS) and the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA), and hosted by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC). All branches of astrophysics are encompassed from the largest scales and cosmology to the solar system and the Sun, through the galaxies and the stars, including a section on astronomical instrumentation. Very relevant experts from all over the world speak in a single book about the most recent, exciting results from their fields in a way which is useful for both researchers in these fields and colleagues working in other disciplines. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM including the remaining contributions of the meeting in PDF format, hence opening a wide panorama of what is going on in astrophysics nowadays.
Tobias Aichele beschreibt die erfolgreiche Story eines Triebwerks, an dessen
Potential bei seiner Vorstellung auf der IAA in Frankfurt 1963 noch niemand
glaubte. Ein Motor, der laut Motorengenie Hans Mezger, der zu diesem Werk
unter anderem das Vorwort schrieb, "alles war, nur kein Formel-1-Triebwerk".
Eine Maschine, die eindrucksvoll die Philosophie des Firmengründers Professor
Ferry Porsche verkörpert, der stets eine enge Beziehung zwischen den Serien-
und Rennfahrzeugen wünschte. Die Motoren-Zeitreise beginnt mit der Beschreibung
der Vorgänger-Triebwerke noch mit vier Zylindern, schildert die von Höhen
und Tiefen gekennzeichnete Entstehungsgeschichte des Sechszylinders, beschreibt
die Prototypen, in denen der Boxer das Laufen lernte, und dokumentiert
alle Detailänderungen der über 30jährigen Erfolgsstory, getrennt nach
Sauger- und Turboversionen.